Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Chapter 4 - The Keeper of the Keys

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Chapter 4

The Keeper of the Keys


The knock comes again.

Uncle Vernon runs into the room. “Who’s there?” he shouts. He is holding a rifle in his hands - now everyone understands what he was carrying in the bag the day before. “Who is it? I warn you - I have a gun!” There is a pause.


The door is hit so hard that it breaks and comes flying into the room. There is a man in the doorway - a giant man. His face is almost completely covered with long, messy hair and a big black beard. But you can see his eyes, like points of light under his hair.

The giant man comes through the doorway and into the room. His head almost touches the ceiling. “Could you make us a cup o’ tea, please? It has been very difficult to find you…” says the giant. “And here’s Harry! The last time I saw you, you was only baby! You look a lot like your dad, but you have your mother’s eyes.”

“I demand that you leave right now!” yells Uncle Vernon. “You are in this house illegally!”


Chapter 4
Capítulo 4

The Keeper of the Keys
O guardião das chaves


The knock comes again.
A batida vem novamente.

Uncle Vernon runs into the room. “Who’s there?” he shouts. He is holding a rifle in his hands - now everyone understands what he was carrying in the bag the day before. “Who is it? I warn you - I have a gun!” There is a pause.
Tio Vernon entra correndo na sala. "Quem está aí?" Ele grita. Ele está segurando um rifle nas mãos - agora todos entendem o que ele carregava na bolsa no dia anterior. "Quem é? Eu te aviso: eu tenho uma arma!” Há uma pausa.


The door is hit so hard that it breaks and comes flying into the room. There is a man in the doorway - a giant man. His face is almost completely covered with long, messy hair and a big black beard. But you can see his eyes, like points of light under his hair.
A porta é atingida com tanta força que ela quebra e entra voando na sala. Há um homem na porta – um homem gigante. Seu rosto está quase completamente coberto por cabelos longos e bagunçados e uma grande barba preta. Mas você pode ver seus olhos, como pontos de luz sob seus cabelos.

The giant man comes through the doorway and into the room. His head almost touches the ceiling. “Could you make us a cup o’ tea, please? It has been very difficult to find you…” says the giant. “And here’s Harry! The last time I saw you, you was only baby! You look a lot like your dad, but you have your mother’s eyes.”
O homem gigante passa pela porta e entra na sala. Sua cabeça quase toca o teto. “Você poderia nos preparar uma xícara de chá, por favor? Tem sido muito difícil encontrar vocês…”, diz o gigante. “E aqui está Harry! A última vez que te vi, você era apenas um bebê! Você se parece muito com seu pai, mas tem os olhos de sua mãe.”

“I demand that you leave right now!” yells Uncle Vernon. “You are in this house illegally!”
“Eu exijo que você saia agora mesmo!” grita o tio Vernon. “Você está nesta casa ilegalmente!”


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Chapter 5 - Diagon Alley


Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone: Chapter 3 - The Letters From No One